Again a sub-100 km day (97 km ) with a few undulations totalling 908m climbing.
After a good night in Pickwell, it was back on the road. The bike computer told me there were 18 summits to overcome… the most since leaving Durness. That said, most weren’t big, and after surmounting a few lumps and bumps and a good long downhill section, it was into Market Harborough. Sue met me at a coffee shop (Two Old Goats café!), and after a cake, I was off to another bike shop to buy another backlight! Then back on the road for the ride to the MNDA HQ in North Northampton. A lovely ride in with some fast flat sections (and a few slow hilly bits), but I arrived to a fabulous reception from some of the staff. Sue and I were whisked inside and given tea, and I was force-fed(!) cupcakes. After a radio interview with BBC Radio Northampton, a couple of cups of tea and a lovely chat with some of the staff and volunteers, I was on my way down to Bedfordshire and our overnight in Stevington.
It was a good, dry and mostly sunny day, and the chance to meet folk along the way is a real boost.
At Stevington, the fun started! I’d broken the top of the valve off my front inner tube in the morning, so I decided to change it. The valve tube of the spare didn’t fit through the wheel. Help!! A quick appeal on the Stevington FB group and a replacement was in hand, and I’m all set for day 12 to Greenwich tomorrow. Thank you, Stevington.